Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for June 14, 2011

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    EarlWash  over 13 years ago

    Sorry, Marmaduke, the bank has but one vault.

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    Number Three  over 13 years ago

    Haha, LOL.. Why doesn’t he hide them in the garden?


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    Francine Long  over 13 years ago

    It seems like a reassonable thing to do. Each one knows what is most valuable and precious to them and we act to protect that or those items.

    Some hoard money or jewelry or old coins. Others tuck away old family photos, keepsake knicknacks or treasured books.

    Other cultures may regard seashells of a certain kind or color as invaluable or other items in which we would see no value.

    So, of course Marmaduke would want to deposit his bones, his most percious possessions into the safety of a bank vault. It seems obvious, doesn’t it?

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