FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for June 07, 2011

  1. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Phantom) I think Phantom’s wolf, Devil, wants to help. I found more about Devil and Hero here: Family & Friends (FoxTrot) Phoebe is visiting Ellen “for the summer” (todo el verano) and the girls want “to pick up where we left off at camp” (campamento)! Marcus and Jason split so fast that Marcus leaves his shoes (zapatillas) behind. Does anyone know what happened at summer camp in a previous story arc?

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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Rex Morgan) Have we reached the conclusion of this story arc? (Judge Parker) Looks like Emma pulled herself up onto the fire-escape! (Mark Trail) Will there be some more drama involving the electronics thefts before this story arc concludes? (Mary Worth) The MW Blog had a comment that Drew should have just dumped Liza instead of trying to “break up” with her. The 6/4 blog elaborates a bit on this idea. BLOG (Alley Oop) ALLEY OOP ON GO COMICS

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    (Apartment 3-G) Isn’t Margo being a bit nosy?(Judge Parker) Which is what we’ve been saying for three weeks now.(Mark Trail) So where does the story go from here?(Mary Worth) She still doesn’t get it.(Phantom) “Annoying” – Interesting word for the occasion.(Rex Morgan) There’s going to be a fight – you watch!(Annie) Chapter 14 of “Little Orphan Annie and Sandy” is at Today’s Annie Comic.

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  4. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Longtime Phantom Fans) Is it unusual to see P’s face – without his mask or the sunglasses?

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  5. Missing large
    andrelguera  almost 14 years ago

    hey people.. Florchi.. check this… is the start of the summer camp story arc

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  6. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    (Phantom) Gee, we get to see him without a mask or dark glasses.

    )Rex Morgan) Berna got on Dex’s back about the boat and tv and now she comes home with a new car. What until June goes home and finds a boat in the driveway. Where is Dex’s car? I thought they went and got it.

    (MW) Liza really is in denial, she still won’t accept the face that they are not a cou;le.

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  7. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    FT – Jason and Peter are in that ambiguous phase when it comes to girls. Sometimes they like them, but still want to deny it. I’ll chek out the cap story. Thanks, andrelgueraA3G – Are Tommie’s parents living? If so, she should call them.Rex – Still watiing for the scream(s). Need to start a new story.JP – If she’s going back up she must have changed her mind. I’ve heard that of people who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and survive, most report that they changed their mind on the way down.MW – Drew may be very sorry when she sows up in his kitchen. Someone needs to tell Liza to get to work.Ph- I always find that annoying too.

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  8. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    REX – Heh DEX, give the car to a charity and use the write off:-)@woodworker 318- Dex’s car was in the driveway a day or three ago..

    3G – IS Iris Alive??

    MW- OMG Liza-panel #2-put your left hand on your throat alsoand squeeze VERY HARD!! :-)

    MW- We new she wasn’t ready yet, she’s been talkin’ for weeks now:-)

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  9. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  almost 14 years ago

    @marvee-your coment on JP- LMAO

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  10. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    thanks for the link to family and friends phantom site Florchi! when phantom is dressed at Kit Walker in public he wears glasses and fedora hat. today’s strip show’s more of his face than usual, you’re right. The family & friends site discusses his face and the fate to those who see his uncovered face!

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  11. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    FT – read the camp arc from 2008. The girls played tricks on the boys like pepper in their pudding cups. The boys begrudgingly admired them. The boys tried to sabotage the girls’ science project but mistakenly sabotaged their own. They ended up voting for the girls against Phoebe’s brother whom they disliked more. The girls let the boys in their club. When it came time to say goodbye, the girls gave them a hug. Aagh! All was supposed to be a secret outside of camp.

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  12. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    @Sweetbill – It attests to the strong instinct to live.

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  13. Goodmorning
    geemail  almost 14 years ago

    Rex – don’t think this is done.

    Phntm – Why is Wolf growling?

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