Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 02, 2011

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    NightHawk2005  over 13 years ago

    As usual, Nate refuses to learn the lesson and blames Mrs. Godfrey instead, keeping the strip’s world perfectly in line. I think the only reason Francis isn’t going to say anything is that he doesn’t want to get clocked by Nate.

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    Maxito  over 13 years ago

    Will Nate Ever Get out of Sixth Grade?

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    Maxito  over 13 years ago

    If only Big Nate will ever make it to the Big Screen..

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    Cameloo  over 13 years ago

    I think Nate has some reason to blame Mrs. Godfrey this time.

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    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I agree. I think Nate is justified in hating Mrs. Godfrey this time.

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    arson549  over 13 years ago

    Why work hard and try to get A’s? He will still be in the same ol’ grade next year.

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    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago

    He has every right to be upset. What she did was petty and very discouraging.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Have a great summer Nate. We will deal with Mrs. Godfrey, Gina, and get revenge on Marcus next school year or the summer.

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    WHITESTRIPESLOVA  over 13 years ago

    If Nate is really creative with his revenge, the why doesn’t he use his revenge creativity with school work? I mean, it would help him improve his grades and all…..

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    fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Again, why the hate for Mrs. Godfrey? As she said Thursday, Nate left his name off the test, which is an AUTOMATIC one-point deduction. It may be petty in the long run, but it was a pre-established condition. Is there any indication that Mrs. Godfrey would have given Gina a 100 if SHE’D left her name off the test? No. Is it remotely consistent with Gina’s character that she ever WOULD be so careless as to leave her name off the test? No.

    Nate learned the material. He got a 99, which Mrs. Godfrey ackowledged on Wednesday was “excellent work.” But he didn’t pay attention to detail, didn’t follow instructions, and that’s part of what test-taking is about. Does Nate value learning the material? There’s no indication that he does. Has Nate internalized the lesson that if he applies himself and studies, he’ll get better grades? We saw earlier that he specifically has NOT. Nate’s goal was to get a 100 so he could stick it under the noses of all those who said he couldn’t.

    OK, yesterday Mrs. Godfrey wouldn’t cut Nate the slack to give him a B which he hadn’t earned. But as she said, why would she? Has Nate ever given her a REASON to cut him any slack? Nate and Mrs. Godfrey are a bad student/teacher combination, but more than half of that (probably FAR more) is Nate’s doing.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 13 years ago

    Its not that she didn´t give him 100 for leaving his name out the right way (even if its petty). Its the way she acted afterwards like there was no way she could ever cut him some slack this once. Even if she couldn´t in any case she could have explained it to him in another more “diplomatic” way – even for a fictional character :p

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    ComicsFan76  over 13 years ago

    lol, I added this one to my favorites, I believe we all can relate to this because some authority figures make us feel that way at times.

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Doesn’t matter if Gina is teacher’s pet or not. Mrs. Godfrey is such a stickler that she would have docked her a point for “no name.” But a 99 wouldn’t have cost Gina a B average. Guess why.And it has nothing to do with pets!

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    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    And another dangerous psychopath is born due to anal-aholes, Bwaaa Haa Haaa

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    JoePhan  over 13 years ago

    no comment…………

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    fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Sack of Rabid Weasels, Gina is teacher’s pet because she applies herself and learns the material. She may be arrogant, but she has much to be arrogant about. This is a fictional scenario, of course, but since Nate will still be in sixth grade next year and will still have Mrs. Godfrey as his Social Studies teacher, let’s imagine that Nate studies from day one in the fall and gets good grades on his tests and learns the material. Let’s see how Mrs. Godfrey’s opinion (and treatment) of him changes.

    As you say, Nate’s only interest in school is Art. Unfortunately, he’s in school not only to learn Art, but to learn Social Studies. Nate’s not stupid. But he’s lazy. He’s as arrogant in his own way as Gina, but without having anything to back it up except for his own conviction that he’s smart (much like Calvin imagining that referring to himself as “Calvin, Boy Genius” is going to get him better grades). Mrs. Godfrey is not grading him on his potential, she’s grading him on his achievement. Not on the basis of one test (even a final), but on his ability to follow instructionas and to discipline himself throughout the whole year.

    I HAVE been following this strip for many years, but it seems to me that if you’re sypathizing with Nate TOO MUCH in his battles with Mrs. Godfrey, you may be seeing Nate only as he sees himself. Again, he’s not a bad kid, but his misfortunes (with Mrs. Godfrey, with Gina, with Artur, with pretty much everybody) are mostly of his own making.

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  17. Sunfighter
    Creature950  over 13 years ago

    Tests can’t reflect a student’s intelligence if you take away points for stuff like misplaced/forgotten names. I hope Nate’s dream comes true!

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  18. Israel
    (insert name here)  over 6 years ago

    i’ll help nate with the revenge if i can… you have no ideas what you can do with marshmellows

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    Big Nates' Teddy!  over 5 years ago

    please bequiet

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    Big Nates' Teddy!  over 5 years ago

    also, “african pregame reserve?” sad

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    rey mondia  over 4 years ago

    …and eats all the people.

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    Slayer  about 4 years ago

    What happened to Prank Day?

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    Heung-Min Son  over 3 years ago

    Second comment

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    STUFF ENJOYER  11 months ago

    Nate loves his revenge fantasies.

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