Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 08, 1986

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    AwesomeComics1982 Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Unique logic.

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    TheSoCalledExpert  almost 15 years ago

    Calvin will never know what really happens when you die; this has a deep affect on his personality. If he knew the truth, his persona would be changed.

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    mrleaffan  almost 15 years ago

    TSCE… the truth? none of us will ever know what really happens.

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    masterturtle  over 14 years ago

    i disagree. im pretty sure heaven and hell dont really exist and are metaphors for the consequences that happen after you die. if live a good life your name will be remembered always thus you will never really die people will remember you always for your good deeds. if you live the life of crime, you will be remembered as a bad person. i mean without a brain you cannot perceive heaven, and without a body you wont actually exist at all. this also explains the sacraments of marriage/ priest hood, if you live a life serving people, people will always remember you,( EXAMPLE) THE POPE) and if you die with children your bloodline continues and there will always be a link remembrance of you. thus you wont be existing other than in mere thought.

    death101. submit to my hard logic. >:)

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    Shadowfax15  over 14 years ago

    wat bout pittsburg??

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  6. Chuck norris
    AlwaysNever  over 14 years ago

    i could retaliate extremely logically, but i dont like religious spats.

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    hobbsfriend  over 14 years ago


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    ricpent  over 14 years ago

    Stop shouting!

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    profexorx321  over 14 years ago

    I must say masterturtle, Pittsburgh sounds more realistic.

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    MelbourneHardstyle  about 14 years ago

    Submit to your hard logic? That’s not logic, this is logic!

    I believe heaven and hell are just mind control devices used to brainwash the masses, and to get them to yield to the churches will. I’m not just targeting Chrisitanity, if that is how it appears. Rather, most religions have some aspect of heaven and hell that they use to manipulate their subjects.

    Heaven is a tool, an idea, to give the masses something they WANT to hear, and hell being the device that instills fear to will them to join your cause. They promise something that people want, a promised land, a holy place, a utopia that can’t be equaled. Sounds inviting, doesn’t it? Ask yourself, how can people be so knowledgable about a place they have never been, or can not return from? Who is to say that by living the life they want us to, is a guaranteed path to a better place? Although, at the same time, no one can prove OR disprove it. And, well, what would be worse than eternal damnation of your soul? Pretty scary idea.

    I know religions aren’t just about heaven and hell, there are a lot of positive qualities and teachings in them that I believe modern society should practice more. Goodwill to all men, and what-not. It’s just that I lack faith, and respect, in a teaching that feels it is necessary to throw about such ideas, without experience nor proof, to draw a crowd. Consider this, God is supposed to be kind and all-forgiving. If this is true, than what purpose would a place like hell serve? I’m not even going to get into the corruption that is the clergy… I’ll just say that, even though the potential for good is there, a lot of abuse of that system has let many live a well, lush life when there are still people out here in this world starving.

    The point is, maybe stop thinking about heaven and hell so much, and take the time to enjoy the gift of life that you have been given. Because you never know, even though it may get difficult sometimes, this very well could be the heaven, the utopia, we’ve been searching for.

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    bmonk  about 14 years ago

    For some of us–who can’t play the sax–this might not be heaven. But still, inventive answer.

    Heaven is better than we can imagine.

    Heck, I can’t even imagine a world without greed and stealing. Where we didn’t have to carry keys, or remember PIN numbers and passwords, and too many other freedoms to envision. But it would be nice to experience. And that’s just the beginning of heaven.

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    crackerjack113  almost 14 years ago

    @hobbsfriend you should go to school period

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    insidethenfl  almost 14 years ago

    hobbsfriend, stop shouting! What’s the matter, can’t figure out how to turn off capslock?

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    susie rocks  about 13 years ago

    Hey guys, lets not hate on people here. WE CAN TYPE IN ALL CAPS IF WE WANT. Hobbsfriend, u rock.

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    yow4zip Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Heaven is a warm tiger.

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    Starfollower777  over 12 years ago

    That doesn’t sound very nice to me.

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    Solar Panel 3  about 12 years ago


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  18. Fruit bat
    El Bat  over 9 years ago

    Saxophone?An all girl cabaret in New Orleans? Sounds pretty heavenly to me… >:p

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    BigNateRules!   about 8 years ago

    I believe it is your choice to believe

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    Hoopy  over 7 years ago

    Hey! That’s rude! I’m Hindu and I don’t have to pray to Jesus! Of course, I’m not disrespecting him either, because I’m not a one-sided.

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    Odie's best friend  about 3 years ago

    I’m going to hell no one can change that

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