Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 30, 1986
Dad: What's all the rucus?! You're supposed to be asleep! And what's with all these feathers?! Are you tearing up your pillows?! Calvin: It was incredible, Dad! A herd of ducks flew in the window and molted! They let when they heard you coming! Honest! Hobbes: Nice alibi, Frizzletop! No dessert for a week! Calvin: You want another pillow across the kisser? I didn't year you offer any brainstorms!
AlwaysNever over 14 years ago
angry looking hobbes looks quite evil.
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Calvin’s tall tales.
bmonk over 13 years ago
I think Bill Cosby’s tale was more believable: “The man came in the window!”
WilliamBill over 12 years ago
Frizzletop?? Why, I oughta . . .
LadyBlanc almost 12 years ago
I have actually had to resort to putting my daughter’s favorite toy in time-outs, because it acts as her Id and misbehaves on occasion—and it would totally break her heart if I denied the ever-present fantasy of a best friend made of cloth. Fortunately, it works, because she doesn’t like being separated from her toy.
a007jeff1 about 11 years ago
This was the very first C&H strip I saw camping up in Canada, thought it was the best every and have been a fan ever since.
bluram over 8 years ago
Frizzletop? A herd of ducks? OMG.
rgcviper over 5 years ago
POW—right in the kisser!
mendedpunk333 over 4 years ago
The great papyrus about 4 years ago
Flock not herd
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Their eyes in the last panel…
CatDefender over 2 years ago
Ah, the days when pillows used to be filled with duck feathers. (I only ever had cotton-filled pillows. Mostly because of my mother’s allergies.)