Calvin: Are the coals hot? Dad: Yes, they're very hot. I'm just about to put on the hamburgers. Calvin: Before you do, could you toss in the can of lighter fluid and make a giant fireball? Calvin: I've got the most boring dad in the world.
polypipe over 14 years ago
i dont think my dad would do that either
Bibliothecarius over 14 years ago
My would. Really. Pretty crazy guy.
insidethenfl almost 14 years ago
I guess Calvin gave up the frozen face thing.
Catnat almost 14 years ago
My dad would consider it gleefully. Then my mom would come outside and quash all thoughts of gigantic fireballs. Forever.
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Homer Simpson he’s not.
Nate Arbuckle, Quincy and Hobbes. over 3 years ago
Tell him theres aliens in the kitchen then calvin can do it when dads in the kitchen.
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Dad’s temper controlment isn’t too great either.
Gear 5 over 2 years ago
Calvin, You probably have the safest dad in the world.