La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for June 25, 2011

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    Woody157  over 13 years ago

    Careful what you ask for. O.K. time to get back to Palin (rule of 3’s) {see Fridays postings}

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  2. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

 or the “Al ammo”
?FWWI do not support the ongoing, lame (sadly costly) renaming of roads throughout the country. It’s useless, ugly, pointless, and disrespectful of history. Rosa Parks? Awesome. MLK? Any question of merit? Cesar Chaves? Abraham Lincoln? THEY and what they DID matter — road names just don’t. Actual, honest to gosh benefits to the people of this nation
 DO.Keep that in mind.I’m sure Sarah Palin (or one of her cranky minions might work hard to spin what I’ve written.)Michele Bachman has a more adept and clever crew. Just true.

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    hollysdad  over 13 years ago

    The fact that he did his “Sarah Palins History of America” bit after she was shown to be spot on on her Paul Revere story just shows what a complete buffoon he is.

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  4. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    Sarah Palin —“bridge to nowhere” she nixed. Don’t like, can’t respect her (just the same honest truth I share with God), but I won’t pin stuff on her that didn’t happen with her approval or oversight. Best I know, she shot it down
 the bridge. You have different info? Please share. Thanks.

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    Woody157  over 13 years ago

    @hollysdad said

    .‘The fact that he did his “Sarah Palins History of America” bit after she was shown to be spot on on her Paul Revere story just shows what a complete buffoon he is.’.The fact that she can take a small nugget of truth an spin it into a story to fit whatever she wants. That does NOT make her ‘spot on’. It makes her a poet (of sorts) or just a politician. .There is some truth in what she said. Paul did go for a ride the night of ‘18th of April of ’75’. But, the were 3 in the group, and were confronted by a group of British Regulars. One of the patriots turned tail and ran home. One escaped and finished the mission. P. R. Was captured, detained and later allowed to WALK home after having his horse confiscated. (no skin off his nose. It was a borrowed horse in the first place. The third man escaped an was able to complete the mission..So, I guess, in a ‘political speak’ sort of way, you can say that she is ‘spot on’. Well, at least for the first line or two of the poem about the midnight ride of Paul Revere (and friends)...Douglas. — AF18600@YAHOO.COM

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  6. Viking
    steelersneo  over 13 years ago

    When the ignorant can no longer refute the message, they always resort to assaulting, and in this case insulting, the messenger.

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