Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 30, 1986
Calvin: Your polls are slipping, Dad. Better get with it. Dad: Calvin. Being your dad is not an elected position. I don't have to respond to polls. Calvin: Not elected? You mean you can govern with dictatorial impunity? Dad: Exactly. Calvin: In short, open revolt and exile is the only hope for change? Dad: I don't like the direction this conversation is taking.
Tikhon211 about 14 years ago
?!$+him= :]
Jazzphysicist about 14 years ago
aaah…. controversial statements…. the suicidal mistake of the appointed official
Catnat almost 14 years ago
It certainly doesn’t sound good for Dad…..
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Revolt? Like in Libya?
bmonk over 13 years ago
Love the high tone of this conversation. I can see where the six-year-old Calvin gets his vast vocabulary.
learninglair1 over 7 years ago
yet he keeps doing the polls
donerito about 7 years ago
This one is funny but I had hoped for more of the invisibility storyline.
Tijaro over 4 years ago
this comic is sophisticated and only mature will read
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Unless if Mom gets a divorce and marries another man, there are no upcoming elections.