Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 12, 2011

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    machpovii3  over 13 years ago

    Nature hates you, Nate…and nature’s name is Lincoln Peirce.

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  2. Sunfighter
    Creature950  over 13 years ago

    The thought came across my mind yesterday, but then I thought he would have Nate do labor instead. Oh, well. Anyway, like I said yesterday, how will Nate rescue a guy who’s about ten times his weight? (Love Nate’s face in the last panel.)

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    Maxito  over 13 years ago

    i have the feeling the worse is still to come ..

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    flagfly  over 13 years ago

    Lulu said,

    How did this way-out-of-shape guy get a job in athetics get a job? He must have barreled through those hireing.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Oh yeah two of top 5 characters are teaming up for the first time. Thanks for pairing them up Big Nate!

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    michael100  over 13 years ago

    I feel bad for you nate.

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    hippogriff  over 13 years ago

    How? First you major in Phys Ed, then out-guess the instructors and get a degree. Then you convince the school board you know how even if you can’t do. After that, seniority helps, but isn’t essential if you are part of the coaching staff that has a winning season.

    In my whole public school career, I only knew of two coaches who were legitimate teachers: a junior high science teacher who was remarkable enough to be a university level referee, and a high school biology and aeronautics teacher who coached cross-country track. The rest didn’t know beans – but we had winning seasons and that was the important thing.

    Actually, in Texas a coach doesn’t have to be a certified teacher, unless they aspire to be promoted to principal or superintednant – the traditional reward for a head coach with a string of winning seasons. A rich enough school district could have hired Tom Landry when he retired from the Cowboys.

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  8. Me in fall
    coolvq  over 13 years ago

    @Knightman- you nailed that one right on the head yesterday!

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    Techboy101  over 13 years ago

    Ooh nates is in trouble

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    mac47  over 13 years ago

    Uh oh!

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    patchoon  over 13 years ago

    nate prepare to be drown

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    colinh22  over 13 years ago


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  13. Hobbes
    hobs94  almost 7 years ago

    coach johnn wanted to give workkouts, and if this conteniues hes sucseeding

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    STUFF ENJOYER  12 months ago

    That doesn’t sound good.

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