Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 28, 1986
Mom: Quit squirming, Calvin. You've got ice cream all over your shirt. Calvin: Rats, I was saving it for later. Calvin: Thanks for the ice cream, Dad. It was great. Dad: You're welcome. Calvin: I'm tired of pulling you. It's my turn to ride. Hobbes: Your dad didn't get me any ice cream, so I get to ride both ways. Calvin: No, you don't! Dad said tigers don't like ice cream! It's my turn to ride! Hobbes: Tigers don't know if they like ice cream until they try every kind. I'm not pulling. Calvin: I've got news, fuzz brain. I'm not pulling either! Hobbes: Well then, I guess we'll both just sit here until we die. Dad: Why do these "walks" always end up as "rides"? Mom: Oh, you need the exercise more anyway.
johmnc over 14 years ago
My all time favorite.
Rats, I was saving that for later.
EastEmi about 14 years ago
Calvin and Hobbes is the best!
insidethenfl almost 14 years ago
Sit here until we die…. or until Dad comes back and pulls you =^)
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Do they have tuna flavored ice cream?
LadyBlanc almost 12 years ago
“Tigers don’t know if they like ice cream until they try every kind.” This sounds very much like a Tigger line. (“Tiggers like everything—except…”)
bluram about 8 years ago
Who would-da though a stuffed tiger could be so stubborned?
mawperson about 7 years ago
This must be the only one where calvins family go on a walk and do something as a family… This is an unusua l strip. I suppose theres the one where calvin says he feels like hes in Dr. Zhivago when he went on a walk through the snow with his parents and he was griping nonstop.
donerito about 7 years ago
The second panel is funnier than the last panel.
CatDefender almost 3 years ago
It’s official now, Hobbes is Tigger’s cousin.