Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 20, 1986
Monster: As you can see, Spaceman Spiff, we have ways of extracting information from even the most uncooperative prisoners! Calvin: Our hero, captured by sorkons, eyes that diabolical instruments of torture! Very amusing, you twisted space frog. What's this fiendish device called? Gym teacher: A chin-up bar. Get on it. Calvin: Spiff readies his daring escape...
Praxsis over 14 years ago
insidethenfl almost 14 years ago
I see the resemblence from the space frog to the gym instructor:-)
Catnat almost 14 years ago
“Diabolic instruments of torture” is right. I always hated those things.
cocoayoc over 13 years ago
the gym instructor needs to use a Chin-up bar more than calvin
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
At least it’s not the rope.
bmonk over 13 years ago
Extracting information in Gym class? I thought that’s what spelling class, math class, English class, and so on, were for.
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member about 8 years ago
They always make the gym teachers have no idea what it’s like to go to the gym.
bluram about 8 years ago
Fifth panel: “After you coach”. Sixth Panel: Broken chin-up bar.
donerito about 7 years ago
My gym teacher was a gung-ho Rambo type, and was always happy to show us how easy it is and then tease us mercilessly for not being able to do it as well as him (he called it motivation) – would’ve rather had the “twisted space frog”.
sunchaunzo about 7 years ago
Is it just me, or are all gym teachers fat, ugly blobs?
is that coach john from big nate
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Looks like the gym instructor needs to hit the gym heh heh
32 Gigabytes of Walrus Data over 3 years ago
Why is the chin-up bar twice the size of him?