Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 14, 1986
Calvin: I spelled "be" How many points do I get? Hobbes: Um. 2 points. Calvin: 2 points?! Is that @*#% all?? Hobbes: My, this game does teach new words! See, I spelled "zygomorphic? on a triple word score box. That's 150 points. Cavlin: All I've got is consonants. Hobbes: Your turn. Cavlin: We,, if I use your letter "I", I can spell "in" that's 3 points. Hobbes: I pick out some new letters..hmm..with your "n", I can spell "nucleoplasm." That's, let's see, 40 points. Calvin: All I've got is consonants. I'm not going to play this stupid game! I hate it!! What a waste of time! Hobbes: What should we play instead? Calvin: Let's play poker. At least with cards you have half a chance. Ok, I bet a nickel... Hobbes: I'll see you and raise you 8 dollars.
jeemale almost 14 years ago
and that’s how gambling addictions start
fishbulb239 almost 14 years ago
Actually, it’d be at least 4 points unless the “B” is a blank. The only way for it to be 2 points would be if the “B” is a blank and Calvin gets double word score or has the “E” on a double letter score. The more likely scenario is that Calvin’s math skills are worse than his vocabulary. (Actually, Calvin generally has a pretty amazing vocabulary, better than most adults.)
bmonk about 13 years ago
What does it mean that Calvin is constantly being one-uped by his imaginary (or not?) friend?
yow4zip Premium Member about 13 years ago
Kwyjibo: A big, dumb,balding North American ape, with no chin.
VRAssassinCreed over 10 years ago
From a nickel to 8 dollars
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover about 10 years ago
aren’t there 7 letters on a rack?
DanWolfie almost 4 years ago
I thought Calvin said he didn’t know any swear words? Likewise in this strip…
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Howcome nobody heard Calvin swearing?
Abutterfield2011 about 3 years ago
noissimbus about 1 year ago
Game: Guess what the censored word in panel two is. It must be English and safe for work (SFW). You have 10 years. Go.
Anonymous83 11 months ago
Is “cu” a word?