Mom: Uh oh. There's a dinosaur in the kitchen. Calvin: Yarrgh! Mom: Well if you see Calvin anywhere, tell him it's almost time for dinner. I'd invite you, but no dinosaurs are allowed at the dinner table. Calvin; Ha. Dinosaurs eat anywere they want.
InfiniteJestiness over 14 years ago
So true…so true…
manasir about 14 years ago
Calvin looks really scary while trying to act like a dinosaur !!!
dtcolton over 13 years ago
There is no reasoning with Calvin, only trickery.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 13 years ago
The Calvinosaur is hungry.
bmonk almost 13 years ago
That Calvinsaur looks pretty much like the Zombie Calvin.
++++He needs a bigger table, and I hope he’s not hungry enough to eat a horse. Or two adult portions.