Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 17, 1987

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    cosmicstresshead  over 14 years ago


    This strip was featured in a big hard-backed dinosaur book I had as a kid!

    I loved this page and now that I have discovered the whole comic strip series some 15 years later I feel like I’ve been given all the sweets I can eat, as a reward for waiting so very very patiently.

    Thank you!

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    Catnat  almost 14 years ago

    I love the 1st and 2nd panels.

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    HumorMeDark  over 13 years ago

    That grin has always been a bad omen. :D

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    bmonk  almost 13 years ago

    I have met several guards over the years who deserved to be messily devoured.


    But would Symphony Hall allow a T. rex to enter? Would it have to bring along its cello??

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    yow4zip Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    You saur enough of them already, Calvin.

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    the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover  about 10 years ago

    next is empires, calvin

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    weatherford.joe  over 9 years ago

    According to Watterson, Calvin’s parents are admiring a Krazy Kat landscape in the 4th panel.

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    jassonlsm76  about 9 years ago

    Gotta love that ‘evil’ grin!

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    imgflip_kid  over 4 years ago

    the art is like manakins!

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    cami <3  about 3 years ago

    he looks like the grinch in the second to last panel lmao

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    CatDefender  over 2 years ago

    Bill Watterson’s commentary on this strip: “This was an early tyrannosaur strip. The number of fingers, his alligator belly, the dragging tail, etc. are all wrong. Obviously, I did no research whatsoever. The parents are admiring a Krazy Kat landscape in the fourth panel.”

    I always interpreted that as saying Bill himself thought this particular strip was bad, and I didn’t get what the Krazy Kat mention had to do with anything.

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    supercrabrules  almost 2 years ago

    Anyone know where Calvin and Hobbes takes place? I know Bill Watterson said it was based on him growing up in Ohio, but when they visit his dad’s office downtown it looks a lot like Midtown in NYC, and this strip could be set in the Met and they had previously been at AMNH.

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