Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 24, 1987
Hobbes: Whew! This must be the biggest hill in the state. Calvin: kind of frustrating, isn't it? I wish Dad would get transferred to the Andes. Let's go down the hill and see if we can travel into the future. Hobbes: Go into the future? How? Calvin: It's easy! All we have to do is get going real fast and we'll time-warp! Ha ha! Faster! Faster! Hobbes: Gosh, what do you suppose the future will be like? calvin: Who knows? Flying cars and cities built on clouds maybe! Just think of all the weird things we can tell people we saw! Oh boy! Hey, we're at the bottom of the hill. I didn't feel any time warp, did you? Hobbes: Nope. Calvin: But look! It's two minutes later than when we started! We're in the future!! Hobbes: Hmm...things haven't improved. I'm disappointed.
PhoenixSouvenir over 14 years ago
LOL.Science at its best.
TheSoCalledExpert over 14 years ago
So if they go down the other side of the hill, then they’ll go into the past?
bmonk almost 13 years ago
Hey! It’s 2012! I want my flying car!!!
yow4zip Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Calvin has a flying wagon.
VRAssassinCreed over 10 years ago
Bioshock ultimate had cities in the clouds, he’s right
I'm Like Calvin almost 5 years ago
Ah… the first comic in Yukon Ho!
Me2times. over 4 years ago
This is the beginning of my first Calvin and Hobbes experience. Too bad this site doesn’t have the part where he turned into an elephant
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
It probably just took 2 minutes to get down the hill.
glowing-steak32 8 months ago
2024 and we’re…still having issues.