Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 07, 1987
Hobbes: Croquet is a gentlemen's game. Calvin: That's hard to believe. I've played before and I can tell you the temptation to misuse these things is awful. Hey, don't put the wickets so far apart. Hobbes: This is the way they're supposed to be. Calvin: No it isn't, you big cheater. You're just doing this because you can hit the ball harder than I can. Hobbes: Cheater? Who took the lucky red ball when I wasn't looking? Calvin: I got to pick first because you did last time! Hobbes: That's a lie! You always take the lucky red ball first! Calvin: Call me a liar, will you? Well, you're just a poop head! So there! Thbpbpthpt! Hobbes: Potty mouth! Potty mouth! Calvin is a potty mouth! Calvin: You're asking for a toothless mouth, Buster! Hobbes: Heah? Says you and what army? You couldn't knock the teeth out of a mosquito! Calvin: Ha! Mosquitos don't even have teeth! That shows how dumb you are! Hobbes: Compared to you, I'm Einstein! Leggo my leg! Calvin: Ow! Go stick your nose in a rubber hose, you walking flea condo! Hobbes: I'd say it takes one to know one, Bozo! Why don't you go play in the food processor! Mom: It's getting dark, Calvin. C'mon inside! Calvin: Aw, Mom, we're right in the middle of a croquet game!
yow4zip Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Calvin and Hobbes tornadoes are very dangerous.
bmonk over 12 years ago
Yes, and he had him in the grip of a telling argument. Or the grip of something.
LadyBlanc almost 12 years ago
Good grief, they’re croquet hooligans!
VRAssassinCreed over 10 years ago
Croquet indeed
eccolibri60 over 9 years ago
I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read the second frame.
ChrisRJ about 9 years ago
I’m just glad they didn’t end up “misusing” the croquet stick.
jassonlsm76 about 9 years ago
They always bicker when it comes to game rules. Again, loved the various nicknames! Walking Flea Condo (snort)
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member over 8 years ago
I;m going to get a Calvin and Hobbes T-Shirt soon.
YevaudPirrsha almost 8 years ago
While Henry Hamilton-Smythe minor was playing croquet with Cynthia Jane De Blaise-William, sweet-smiling Cynthia raised her mallet high and gracefully removed Henry’s head.
Nate Arbuckle, Quincy and Hobbes. almost 4 years ago
Well, at least they didn’t misuse those things.