Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 26, 1987
Calvin: That's it, you climb up and then help me up? Hobbes: Tigers are natural-born tree climbers. Of course, we usually have grappling hooks, ropes and utility belts. Calvin: Hey, here's a great tree for climbing! Let me get on your shoulders so I can reach the first branch, ok? Hobbes: Geez, how many bricks do you have in your pockets?! Calvin: Whoa! Hold steady, you weakling! I've almost got it! Move up, move up! Hobbes: Hurry and grab it before my spine telescopes. Calvin: Got it!...hey, don't let go! Hold me up! Hobbes: Forget it! You can support your own weight, bowling ball butt. Calvin: Mmph! Mmph! I can't get up! Give me a boost! Hey! What are you doing?! Don't take off my shoes! Are you nuts? Hey, stop! Aack! Oh no! Don't tickle! Pbth! Eek! Hee hee ha ha! Stop it! I can't hold on! Hobbes: Nice landing. I'm probably paralyzed. Calvin: All except your mouth, obviously. I'm not sorry at all. Give me back my shoes. Hobbes: No.
kpreethy over 14 years ago
The last part is gud …….LOL
Nanomi over 14 years ago
Tickle tickle tickle!
bmonk over 12 years ago
Progressive degeneration! As so often happens with Calvin.
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
The downside of teamwork.
jassonlsm76 about 9 years ago
What the? This is the same strip as last Sunday’s! 07/19/1987. Did GoComics goof up?
Baltimore Ravens 2.0 almost 5 years ago
that’s the same comic strip from a couple days ago
AntonL.Graf almost 4 years ago
Reject modernity. Return to tiger
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Wait till his parents see him.