Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 02, 1988
January 01, 1988
January 03, 1988
Calvin: My snow fort makes me invulnerable! From behind its thick wall, I can launch a brutal snowball barrage and remain safe from retaliation. You're supposed to attack from that side of the fort, dummy!!
If only the opponent knows what they are supposed to do, and were willing to do it, war would be so much more pleasant. Except for the opponent, of course.
MelbourneHardstyle about 14 years ago
Bahahaha, this is a mockery of France’s Maginot Line from WW2! Bravo Mr. Watterson!
DragonWizzard about 14 years ago
Guerrilla warfare. Look it up.
fishbulb239 over 13 years ago
Calvin, you’ve been outflanked!
yow4zip Premium Member about 12 years ago
Is this tiger warfare?
bmonk about 12 years ago
If only the opponent knows what they are supposed to do, and were willing to do it, war would be so much more pleasant. Except for the opponent, of course.
The Shadow Ninja about 9 years ago
There is no honor in that tiger.
Tijaro over 4 years ago
in war, you can’t decide where your enemies attack