Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 10, 1988
Calvin: Two parts slush, one part solid part hard-packed snow..a dash of assorted debris...sculpt into sphere and serve at high velocity without warning. Oh boy, here comes Susie! Hey, Susie! Whap! Ha ha! I gotch, you dumb girl!! Susie: Aughh! My eyeball!! Where's my eyeball?! Calvin: What are you talking about? I hit you in the back. Susie: It knocked my eyeball out! Find it and pack it in snow so they can save it! Ow! Ow! Calvin: Gosh, did you really lose your eyeball? I didnt' know they came out! Wow. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to knock it out. Can I see the socket? Boy, where do you suppose it rolled? Susie: Somewhere over there, poop head!! Hobbes: What are you doing? Calvin: My eyeball fell out, help me look for it.
Me_Again almost 15 years ago
Susie is brilliant!
PODDARKAVIN over 14 years ago
thats why calvin likes her she’s his matcn
DragonWizzard about 14 years ago
Susie is to Calvin is what Irene Adler is to Sherlock Holmes
EastEmi about 14 years ago
albud83 about 12 years ago
“Can I see the socket?”
bmonk about 12 years ago
Is Calvin ROFL? He’s certainly ROF.
yow4zip Premium Member about 12 years ago
A “boot” for a “whap.”
AdmiralMercurial almost 9 years ago
Wow, Calvin has a genuine moment of remorse for Susie… and then suffers for his sins. If I were Santa, I’d come through in spades for this.
PBS1! about 5 years ago
This could get deadly
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray almost 5 years ago
The little shot had that coming and how.
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Actor of the year.