Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 03, 1988
Calvin: Will you get me a glass of water? Mom: You just had one. Calvin: I want one to keep by the bed, so I can douse this guy if he starts snoring. Mom: Good night, Calvin. Hobbes: Hee hee hee hee Calvin: Oh great. He's dreaming again. Where do you think you are, you imbecile? Out in the jungle? Hobbes: heh heh heh Calvin: If he starts "running" He's gonna get a pillow in the kisser. Hobbes: Sniff sniff. Calvin: Hey! Where are you going? Calvin: Sonnambulists give me the creeps. Why are we going to the kitchen. Dad: Calvin! What are you doing? Have you been sleepwalking?? Calvin: I was completely awake! It's this dope who's sleepwalking! I just followed him. Dad: I put him back to bed. He couldn't give any reason for being up. Mom: Do you suppose it mean's anything? Look, he got out all the tuna!
PODDARKAVIN over 14 years ago
it means to the whole world hobbes is just a stuffed animal but calvin knows better
CaptainObvious about 14 years ago
If hobbes eats tuna, what happens to it?
yow4zip Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Calvin’s reason is beyond his father’s limited awareness.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
Hobbes looks doubtful in panels 1 and 2.
ClaraBadWolf over 9 years ago
Of course it means something: it means Hobbes is hungry. Come on, Mom!
FluffyTHM almost 3 years ago