Calvin: Why does the sun set? Dad: It's because hot air rises. The sun's hot in the middle of the day, so it rises high in the sky. In the evening then, it cools down and sets. Calvin: Why does it go from east to west? Dad: Solar wind. Mom: Dear!
RSwain81 almost 14 years ago
His fathers explanations for things explain a lot about Calvin’s schoolwork…
FredrikBT about 13 years ago
It’s even more brutal in Norwegian. There Calvin’s dad convinces Calvin that the sun settles in Arizona. And when Calvin ask why the people in Arizona doesn’t burn up, the dad just whips out a large coin and tells that the sun is no larger than the coin.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
We do catch glimpses of what Calvin gets from his parents: Dad—very imaginative “scientific” explanations, but not his interest in the outdoors or exercise. Mom—treating Hobbes as alive, the occasional interpretation of meals, and so on.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 12 years ago
There’s a lot of hot air rising out of Dad.
Omniman over 5 years ago
Dad is doing an excellent job of teaching Calvin to assume anything he says is bullsh*t. This could be a problem someday.
Some Other Guy about 3 years ago
It’s the rotation of the Earth. Period.