Matt Wuerker for June 17, 2011

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    kreole  about 13 years ago

    Looks a little goofy………….

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  2. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  about 13 years ago

    GW should never have had a second term, but the Democrats could only come up with Kerry to go against him. So, as much as those on the right whine about how awful this president is, they have NO ONE to go up against him. I’m hoping for a Palin/Bachman ticket. That would be hilarious! (I wonder if they will try to say I’m sexist for this…hmm, not my fault their two CRAZIEST delegates are women.)

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Oh I do.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I admit there’s plenty of hypocrisy. Just like the “typical Conservative/Regressive” who shields Vitter despite being the party demanding that everyone’s sexual behavior be controlled by the government.But you have to admit, at least he just tried to dodge taxes, instead of hiding it in a pretend church like your Conservative buddies.

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    Jason Allen  about 13 years ago

    As opposed to a guy who’s daddy’s connections got him a job as a CEO of a Texas oil company, which he then managed to drive into bankruptcy?

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  6. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  about 13 years ago

    @ asaid: I think we’re finally beyond the point where a president must necessarily have spent time high ranking it in the military.-I seem to recall Bob Terwilliger entering the cockpit of one of those jets, only to find a big red button that said “Fly.” -What did he say? “God bless the idiot-proof army”?

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    kreole  about 13 years ago

    If you look at our current Pres. you’ll understand why we are NOT beyond the point of where a president should have served in the military. Having a Clown-in-Chief isn’t impressive….and is a good case in point. The boots on the ground guys are laughing at him and just waiting for someone who even knows what a boot camp is. If B.O. had faced up to a little maturity increase with a Drill Instructor shaping him up, he would have gained more respect from our nation. The sad thing is, he doesn’t have a clue…………

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    Jason Allen  about 13 years ago

    Clinton was highly criticized for skipping ’Nam. The only thing Bush could produce to “prove” he served in the Guard was a dental exam. Clinton was also highly criticized for imbibing on the “wacky tobacky”. Bush got a pass for his party days of drunk driving and suspected cocaine abuse.

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    kreole  about 13 years ago

    @ Kimberly Grant….I suspect you never seved in the military or you would know what I meant. A CIC who never served in the military could be compared to a baseball coach who never played baseball. I know you mean well Hon, but you just have to had been there. That’s what’s great about this country…you can voice your opinion freely because I served in the military to help protect that right. I suspect you are young….are you aware of what happened in the Battle of Midway in WWII? Or the Battle of the Bulge? And Eisenhower viewing the horrors at Auschwitz? When he became president, he was qualified to be the CIC. Period. I hope you come to recognize the wisdom factor that accompanies a president who has military experience.

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    grayhares01  about 13 years ago

    Wow, the number of fallacies in Kimberley’s posts is growing. I didn’t even think that was possible.Bill Clinton slashed the military so bad that when we sent troops to Iraq a couple years later, they had no body armor. That’s not a budget surplus, that’s criminal neglect.Kerry’s purple hearts are complete BS, he had to campaign for all 3. I’ve known hundreds of purple heart recipients. I’ve never seen one campaign for a purple heart. One of Kerry’s purple hearts was for a scratch the required nothing more than a bandaid.

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