Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 18, 1988
Calvin: Boy, don't go near Dad. What a grouch! I don't see why he can't be civil just because I accidntally dropped a duffel bag overboard and he broke his glasses. Hobbes Are you going to tell him he left the car lights on back where we got the canoe? Calvin I think you should tell him.
Icalasari over 14 years ago
There is only one way he can handle this:
“Mom, when I was exploring, I spotted the car. The lights were still on. I’m scared of telling dad”
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
The car lights are on but no one is home.
glowing-steak32 over 6 years ago
…and strike three.
weatherford.joe about 4 years ago
Hopefully, they have jumper cables.