Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 01, 1989
calvin: well, it's a new year. and i'd say the first 10 hours haven't been up to snuff. hobbes: did you make any new year's resolutions? calvin: you bet! i resolved to quit hiding my feelings so much! from now on, the world's gonna know exactly what i think of it! hobbes: yes, you've certainly been the model of self-restraint and understatement up until now. calvin: well no more. and i've also resolved not to put up with sarcastic tigers. hobbes: if i see any, i'll tell them.
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
Way to go, Hobbes!
bmonk almost 11 years ago
Oooh, TWO zingers in a row, Hobbes! Go, tiger!
emyems416 almost 4 years ago
Archistoteles almost 2 years ago