Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 10, 1989
Calvin: Will you read this tonight? Dad: "An ode to tigers"? Calvin: Hobbes wrote it. Dad: "The zebra's stripes are lacking hues, so they don't compare to you-know-whose." "Orange, black and white is what to wear! It's haute couture for those who dare! It's camouflage, and stylish, too! Yes, tiger's look the best, it's true!" This goes on? Calvin: For pages. Pretty tedious isn't it?
RSwain81 over 13 years ago
And yet if they asked him to write something like that for school….
sebastiakitty over 11 years ago
@Blair HunterBut doesn’t Hobbes do most of his homework already?
yow4zip Premium Member almost 11 years ago
William Blake would be proud.
bmonk almost 11 years ago
That poem lacks a certain symmetry.
govvedi about 1 year ago
Great pen, bill!
ComicLover791 about 1 month ago
And yet you cant write 5 sentences for school