Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 12, 1989
Calvin: Hold still. Now boost! Lift! C'mon! Hobbes: Mpw! Get your hand out of my eye! Calvin: Ok, forward! Hobbes: On the way back, you're carrying me. Calvin: Hey, I got some mail! It's a valentine card. Hobbes: From Susie Derkins! Calvin: It says, "Please be my Valentine." Hobbes: You're Susie's Valentine! Calvin:I'm not her Valentine just because I got this in the mail, am I? Does the postmaster general know about this? Hobbes: Calvin and Susie sitting in a tree-ee! Kay-eye-ess-ess-eye-en-gee! Calvin: I don't have to kiss her, do I?! Is that what Valentines do??! Oh, gross! Hobbes: First comes lo-ove, then comes marriage, them comes a baby in a baby carriage! Calvin: This can't be happening! I need a lawyer! She can' make me be her Valentine! Hobbes: Here she comes! Here comes Susie! Susie: Hi Calvin. Calvin: Get away from me! I'm not your Valentine! Take your card back! Eww! Girls! Yecchh! Susie: That card wasn't for you, you moron. Didn't you read the back of the envelope? Calvin: The back? "Calvin, please give this to Hobbes." Hobbes?! Hobbes: Me! Really? Hot dog! Smooch city, here I come!
PODDARKAVIN over 14 years ago
love hobbes in last panel
Summersnow over 14 years ago
hahah poor Calvin
senswarrior over 11 years ago
I hate when girls feign interest in you to get to your friend
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
Congratulations, Hobbes!
bmonk about 11 years ago
Hobbes does love them smoochies!
Me2times. almost 7 years ago
When your stuffed animal has more game than you…
bRedfish over 6 years ago
Hobbes just loves his smooches
Questionably Sane over 6 years ago
The animated plush toy is more charismatic than Calvin
RandomLantern445 over 4 years ago
Hobbes’ face in the eighth panel XD
ChuckAnziulewicz almost 3 years ago
One the best.
marecekrus123 almost 3 years ago
jr1234 over 1 year ago
Standing on a stuffed tiger would just smoosh him down and no way Calvin could reach the box.
Lol, guess Suzie had to address it to Calvin.
Would it still gotten there if she wrote Hobbes?
Humerus1 about 1 year ago