Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 23, 1989
Dad: Ahh.. A day at the lake! This will be great! Calvin: I still don't see why we can't just sit in the car with the air conditioner on. Calvin: I'm getting sand in my suit! I don't want to sit on the beach! Calvin: This water's too cold! I'm freezing to death! Calvin: Out here there's too much sun! I'll get sunburned! Calvin: This lotion makes me greasy and my shirt makes me too hot! Calvin: I don't want to sit in the shade! This is boring! Calvin: I hate walking! My legs are tired and the sand is too cold and there's no shade here and I've still got sand in my suit! Calvin: What? Are we going already?
jfkaess over 14 years ago
This particular strip is a poor copy, it needs to be rescanned.
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
His plan succeeded.
Xalder over 10 years ago
He doesn’t want to leave, he just can’t possibly have fun with so many problems.
bmonk over 10 years ago
Poor Calvin. For him, reality is vastly overrated.
AdmiralMercurial over 9 years ago
This was me whenever our family tried to go to the beach. I don’t want to admit it, but this was me.
ClaraBadWolf over 9 years ago
There were some girls at summer camp like that. I went swimming every day, and they put it off because it was too cold. Then, on the last day, when they actually wanted to swim, there was a major thunderstorm.
The moral: Carpe Diem, Tempus Fugit, et cetera.
The Shadow Ninja about 9 years ago
Calvin loves to rant, rant, rant!
jassonlsm76 over 8 years ago
Calvin doesn’t want to leave yet – he is having too much fun griping.
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
Why is Mom’s hair red?
Odie's best friend almost 3 years ago
me when we go somewhere i don’t like and complain the whole time
Humerus1 11 months ago
average 6 year old