Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 16, 1989
Susie: Hi Calvin. Are you bringing your stuffed tiger to school today? Calvin: No, he's just keeping me company while I wait for the bus. Susie: Oh. Calvin: But actually, he's been nothing but trouble today. He's trying to make me sabotage my Christmas by making me be bad instead of good. Fortunately, I asked Santa for such great presents that I can withstand any temptation. I'm being an absolute angel. Susie: What did you ask for? Calvin: A heat-seeking guided missle. I figure five minutes with one of those babies will make up for this whole rotten month.
Xalder over 10 years ago
Santa does toys. If you want WMD’s, be a middle-eastern state with terrorists in it and call the U.S.
yow4zip Premium Member about 10 years ago
He doesn’t need Hobbes to sabotage his Christmas.
noissimbus over 3 years ago
My previous assumption was off. Hobbes IS there with him. Does Hobbes accompany him a while then goes home? Travel with him in the bag? So intruiging.