Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 26, 1990
Calvin: I got a goal! Hobbes: Ok, the score is oogy to boogy. Calvin: I already had oogy! Hobbes: You just ran into the invisible sector! You have to cover your eyes now because everything is invisible to you! Calvin: Invisible sector?? I didn't know we had an invisible sector! Where is it? Hobbes: You can't see it. It's invisible. Calvin: How do I kow I went in it then? Hobbes: You can't see anything, right? Calvin: Ok, so how do I get out? Hobbes: Somebody bonks you with the Calvinball! I get another point! Calvin: Hey! Ow! Why you...! That was a rotten rule! I decree no more invisible sectors!...In fact, I'll show you! You just ran into a vortex spot! You have to spin around until you fall down. Hobbes: Sorry, this vortex spot is in the boomerang zone so the vortex returns to whoever calls it! You spin! Calvin: That's not fair! Hobbes: You know the Calvinball rules. Calvin: Yeah, yeah. Anything we make up. Well, you'll pay for this. This game lends itself to certain abuses. Hobbes: Guess how you get out of the boomerang zone!
Xalder over 10 years ago
How about a noogie?
yow4zip Premium Member over 9 years ago
Let the abuse begin.
bmonk over 9 years ago
It should almost really be called Hobbesball. Unless, of course, we are stuck in the boomerang zone.
OwenMorey almost 4 years ago
I love every Calvin and Hobbes strip, but for some reason I like Calvinball the most.
noissimbus over 3 years ago
Hobbes is a master at Calvinball. Calvin needs to up his game.
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I wish there was a calvinball strip where Susie played.