Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 23, 1990
Calvin: Look Mom, I made a mask. Mom: Are you getting ready for Halloween? Calvin: Huh? No, this is for every day. You know how Hobbes always sneaks up from behind and pounces on me? Mom: No... Calvin: Well, he does. But if you wear a mask like this on the back of your head, tigers can't tell which way you're facing, and they can't sneak up. Mom: I think you train of thought is a runaway. Calvin: I read they wear these in India. Here, I made a mask for you too.
Xalder over 10 years ago
Aww it’s cute! He read about it and so he does it for himself and his mom because of his pet stuffed tiger!
Kathleen Healey Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Make one for his mom is surprisingly thoughtful
yow4zip Premium Member over 9 years ago
Now she will have eyes on the back of her head.
bmonk over 9 years ago
Mom is confused by the whole premise. Apparently, she has never observed Calvin being attacked by Hobbes.