Rat: I went to a 'Starbucks' on Monday. It was 11:00 a.m. The cafe was filled with people all sitting around. I began to ponder some of life's greatest mysteries.
Goat: Like what?
Rat: LIKE WHY DON'T THESE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS?!! It's the question of our age.
cre8tiv_naim over 11 years ago
Just before the whole economy fell apart. Had this been submitted just a few weeks later, there could have been a huge backlash.
somechicken over 10 years ago
maybe some of those people just go there for a coffee break during work.
ChesDucky over 9 years ago
Two words Rat: “Night. Shift.”
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Or four words. They. Work. At. Home.
BenjaminSilversten about 5 years ago
and it might be summer vacation for some people
Goat from PBS over 3 years ago
Maybe they’re on their lunch break, or coffee break, or work from home.
Ωmega over 3 years ago
I like how only goats tipped over. (the cup)