Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 03, 2010
Rat's Civil War Re-enactment Soldier says, "Men, the Yanks are entrenched on that hill. But today we charge for confederate glory, for our way of life, so let's-" Straight outta Compton, another crazy @## *#@%* More punks I smoke, yo, My rep get bigger... Rat says, "I should change that ringtone."
singkong2012 almost 11 years ago
Yes rat you should
rat’s insurance counselor about 5 years ago
this one always makes me laugh :D
LilPeruna about 4 years ago
In panel 2, does Stephan realize that people can make a really good guess as to what was bleeped by guessing what rhymes with the last word in panel 2?