Rat's Civil War Re-enactment Soldier says, "Sir, the battle's over. We took the hill." Soldier 2 says, "The South doesn't take the hill in this battle. The North holds it." Soldier says, "Not today, sir." Guard Duck says, "History Schmistory."
joeshmo30 almost 11 years ago
XD LOL!!!!
tigre1again about 8 years ago
This will NOT be well-received…but! You know if Lincoln ha hung every damn Johnny Reb immediately after the War, we wouldn’t be having this crisis of so-called Americans who hate the government and the Constitution…
Who knows? Americans might still be slim and strong…
Ωmega about 4 years ago
go gaurd duck!! bLaM
PBS1! almost 4 years ago
When in doubt, improvise