Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for August 16, 2010
Larry says, "Hullo zeeba neighba. Dis Pastor Bob. He say you commit sin by no being courteous to crocs. But ees okay eef you confess sins, geet penance." Zebra says, "What's the penance for not being courteous?" Bob says, "Four hour on 'Barbeecue O' Forgeeveness.'" Larry says, "Dat one sacreeligious zeeba."
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
And two under the marinade of repentance.
Craig09111990 over 9 years ago
So many “something O’ something” items…
Zebra about 7 years ago
I’d rather NOT do penance
NoneOfTheAbove over 6 years ago
I’m atheist, so if I m threatened with penance, eh. No effect
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
Me new patsor bob, funee gi