Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 23, 2010
Rat says, "Did you know that the wealth of the top one percent of Americans is greater than that of the bottom 95 percent combined?" Goat says, "So?" Rat says, "So I'm taking it back." Goat says, "To give to the poor?" Rat says, "Well now that would be stupid."
NJ Lyon over 12 years ago
see that first panel is what makes Marxism appealing
gocomics almost 11 years ago
@NJ Lyon To me, that first panel is what makes capitalism appealing.. I want to be that 1% !
comicsnerd74 almost 10 years ago
Is Rat dressed as Robin Hood or Link?
Zebra about 7 years ago
SomeOtherGocomicsGuy over 6 years ago
Panel 2 and 3. Panel 4. Bow. Guy hit by arrow.
Dragongirl55 over 4 years ago
You’d think goat would be more upset by that news in the first panel.
Ωmega over 4 years ago
where is his quiver, and where did the arrow he had go?
LOAFY about 4 years ago
What about the other 4 percent?