Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 23, 2010

  1. Missing large
    NJ Lyon  over 12 years ago

    see that first panel is what makes Marxism appealing

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  2. Missing large
    gocomics  almost 11 years ago

    @NJ Lyon To me, that first panel is what makes capitalism appealing.. I want to be that 1% !

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  3. Monata
    comicsnerd74  almost 10 years ago

    Is Rat dressed as Robin Hood or Link?

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  4. Img 0706
    Zebra  about 7 years ago


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  5. Oofs
    SomeOtherGocomicsGuy  almost 7 years ago

    Panel 2 and 3. Panel 4. Bow. Guy hit by arrow.

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  6. Palisadepfp
    Dragongirl55  over 4 years ago

    You’d think goat would be more upset by that news in the first panel.

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  7. Dlink
    Ωmega  over 4 years ago

    where is his quiver, and where did the arrow he had go?

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  8. Fef7746f 6d27 4be5 b7aa c106b3d16782
    LOAFY  about 4 years ago

    What about the other 4 percent?

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