Agnes by Tony Cochran for July 12, 2011

  1. Chw82caz11g91ca55h709cawjthlocay2dk85camu64fqcal7s34pcaxyf5n8cakvj1lkcahoq0imca5qa1hbca6k2m2tcaogqf60caob9irfcasvef94ca8ab2alcasx22etcaol4fmjcazjz28x
    ldyhwkd  over 13 years ago

    So then, do they go under “B” or “W”? I’m so confused…

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    And of course, we are all too polite to remind Agnes that flip flops on the left, shoes on the right IS alphabetical order…

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