Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 19, 2003
"I think I favor science over religion." "On the one side, you've got ultra-educated people constantly trying to prove themselves wrong." "On the other, you've got people who absolutely certain about the universe but can't program their own DVD player." "You may be over-simplifying." "Of course I am. I don't even have my first doctorate yet."
18eities about 13 years ago
i don’t think he is oversimplifying, just geting confusing. i think panel no. 2 is the religous people, and panel no.3 is the science supporters.
Dragonborn about 13 years ago
not really
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
He is oversimplyfing.
KZ71 over 10 years ago
Heehee. I KNEW this one was gonna get comments.
Daelda over 8 years ago
Science is constantly trying to prove its theories wrong (you can win Nobel Prizes for that sort of thing). Whereas religion teaches that doubt is a form of sin. I’d say Caufield hit it right on the nose.
Frog Whisperer about 5 years ago
Since when does a DVD player need to be programmed?
We don’t do that here almost 5 years ago
Honestly atheists try to turn other people against their religion more than Christians nowadays