Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 09, 2004

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    weq15  over 13 years ago

    calvin ball

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    18eities  over 13 years ago

    nope, suicide kings (as seen in the comic precocious) with the waer balloons replaced by hockey sticks

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    doctorwho29  over 12 years ago

    Grown ups need recess

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  4. Pillows and a bat ruby gloom 11443577 600 586
    LoveyDove  over 9 years ago

    Adults should definitely still have recess. Imagine having a half hour each day not in addition to lunch to go outside – read, swing, chat, play a game. That would be wonderfully restorative.

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    bkwanab  about 6 years ago

    One of the benefits of being an employer is that I can, and do, encourage my staff to take a recess. We have balls, bats, sticks, and all manner of exercise toys to play with, including our bicycles of course.

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