Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for July 09, 2004
"I'm writing to the people who made that book the ferret gave you. I'm demanding they stop selling it." "Say... Why don't you dictate it to me and I'll write it down for you?" "Um... Ok... Well, I was going to say 'Dear who it concerns, I hate your book and if you don't quit selling it, I will knock your head in... Yours, Bucky Katt.'" "'To who it...' Ok, let's say that you venerate it. That sounds more smarter... And let's say you're going to osculate them if they don't stop..." "Yeah, yeah, tell 'em I'll osculate 'em right on the mouth."
Enguneer Premium Member over 10 years ago
So, I had to Google it!
os·cu·lateˈäskyəˌlātverb1.MATHEMATICS(of a curve or surface) touch (another curve or surface) so as to have a common tangent at the point of contact.“the plots have been drawn using osculating orbital elements”2.formal humorouskiss.