Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 14, 1993
Hobbes: Today is Valentine's Day. Calvin: So what?! Who cares?! Not me! Hobbes: Who's your Valentine this year?? Calvin: Nobody! Hobbes: Is it Susie?? Calvin: No! Hobbes: I bet she is! I'll bet your heart beats faster at the sound of her name! Ahh, how you long to gaze deep into her shimmering eyes!! Your cheeks are flushed! Your chin quivers to imagine her soft warm lips pressed against yours! Oh, to be locked for eternity in a passionate embrace with sweet, sweet Susie! Calvin: Take it back! Hobbes: Can I be "Best tiger"? Take it back! Have you picked out a ring yet? Take it back! Where's the honey moon? Take it back! Susie: Hey, Calvin! Calvin: Huh?? Susie: You jerk! This is for sending me a Valentine card with a drawing of me as a worm-eaten corpse! Hobbes: Oh hooo! You sent her a card?? Doctor Love, paging Doctor I.M.N. Love! Calvin: I'd say we're about due for another Saint Valentien's Day massacre.
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 14 years ago
And he also found his way into yet another bath.
cataleap about 9 years ago
That face in panel 5.
yow4zip Premium Member about 7 years ago
He really went nuclear.
DM9001 about 6 years ago
I love the way Calvin is drawn when he’s mad. He looks like he’s gone absolutely berserk in Panel 5.
Hobbes_ almost 5 years ago
I just noticed Hobbes’ tail is in the shape of a heart!
noissimbus over 3 years ago
That ultra defensive stance whenever Susie is mentioned, gotta love it.
wiley207 about 3 years ago
You can tell Hobbes is just trolling Calvin by that point, especially in the sixth panel; look at Hobbes’s face there!
cece3456cece almost 3 years ago
love you …..not
leopardglily about 1 year ago
You could hear him blow a gasket in panel 5.
ComicLover791 4 months ago
Beef Boss (from poofesure) 13 days ago
Go frick yourself hobbes