Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 13, 1993
Calvin: When you're a kid, you don't have much variety of experience. You live with your parents and that's all you know. You grow up thinking whatever they do is "normal." Dad: Aah, what a day! Up at 6:00, a 10-mile run in the sleet, and now a big bowl of plain oatmeal! How I love the crazy hedonism of weekends! Calvin: Well, maybe the word "normal" is too strong a word. Hobbes: I think we'd know normal if we saw it.
COMIC-ER almost 13 years ago
He sounds like he does in calvin’s imitations.
Official_Dalek over 9 years ago
Mmmm oatmeal sounds soooo good right now.
weatherford.joe over 7 years ago
Watterson’s comment on this strip: “This is my dad. No exaggeration.”
HobbesForPresident about 7 years ago
Calvin seems to be contradicting himself from the mustard jar incident.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 7 years ago
He’s a real wild man.
Odie's best friend almost 3 years ago
Normal may be jumping the gun there Calvin