Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 26, 1993
Calvin: Wait, dad! I've got a great idea! Don't shave next to your mouth, ok? Let the whiskers grow about a foot long and then wax 'em so they stick straight out! Then you'll look like a big cat! Dad didn't think the firm would go for it. Hobbes: Preposterous!
Q.D.McGraw about 7 years ago
A lawyer that looks like Snydly Whiplash is a good idea, they all act that way.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Great third panel.
AaronJOyster almost 5 years ago
Why’s Calvin willingly up this early? If it were Saturday or Sunday, his dad likely wouldn’t even be getting ready for work.
Humerus1 10 months ago
why is hobbes so tall in last panel?