Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 02, 1993
Calvin: This meeting of the Get Rid Of Slimy girlS club will now come to order! First tiger Hobbes will read the minutes of our last meeting. Hobbes: Thank you. "9:30 - meeting called to order. Dictator-for-life Calvin proposes resolution condemning existence of girls. 9:35 - first Tiger abstains from vote. Motion fails. 9:36 - patriotism of first Tiger called into question. 9:37 - philosophical discussion. 10:15 - bandages administered. Dictator-for-life rebuked for biting." Calvin: Is this a great club, or what? Hobbes: "10:16 - forgot what debate was about. Medals of bravery awarded to all parties."
eddaht over 13 years ago
Love this. I should try and make a club like that with my own Hobbes :)
Osric250 over 12 years ago
Bandages are required after their “Philosophicial discussion.”
Xalder over 10 years ago
Minutes of meetings are something every group or club should have someone keep track of. Reading them back at the next meeting soon becomes mandatory.
yow4zip Premium Member over 6 years ago
Always beware those philosophical discussions.
jacob.c.bair over 6 years ago
GetRidOfSlimygirlS = GROSS
Ωmega over 4 years ago
that last part was awsome!