Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 17, 1993
Calvin: You can't trust a girl to do anything right! We go to all this trouble to lure Susie into a trap, and she doesn't show up! As soon as I find out where she is, I'll get Hobbes and the water balloons and we'll let her have it! If she won't come to the ambush, we'll bring the ambush to her! Susie: Five...four...three...two...
LadyBlanc over 11 years ago
Oh, she’s coming to the ambush, all right!
calvinhobbes75 over 8 years ago
NOOOOOOOO!!!! Watch out Calvin!!!!!!!!!
Anton Sherwood over 6 years ago
Susie is such a master of tactics that she knows to the second when Calvin will come looking.
yow4zip Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’s a trap!!!
Salmon✔️ over 4 years ago
I would like to see whats in the next comic… OH WAIT i can just click on the button!!!