Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for November 28, 1993
Robot doctor: Hello, Calvin...I am doctor 5-40. Calvin: You're a robot?? Robot doctor: Ha, ha. Affirmative. We wouldn't trust a delicate operation like this to clumsy human hands, now would we? Calvin: Um...I guess not. Robot doctor: How's the anesthetic? Feel anything? Calvin: Robot doctor: Good. This will just take a moment. Hold this jar, would you? Ta de tupi tupi...A little gray matter here, a dab there...Ah, that should do it. Calvin: Wow, that was easy! Robot doctor: How do you feel? Calvin: Smart! Robot doctor: This knowledge implant should provide you all the wisdom you'll ever need. Calvin: Great! No more school! Thanks, doctor! Robot doctor: Go home and have 12 years of fun. Calvin: Sighhh
bmonk about 15 years ago
Great compromise, fellows!
yow4zip Premium Member about 6 years ago
An implant like that would be nice.
DM9001 about 6 years ago
If only it was that easy.
Q.D.McGraw about 5 years ago
It felt like 12 years waiting for the bus.
Patrick_Star about 2 years ago
Interesting that the doctor was a robot for no reason. It would have been far more boring if it was just a regular human as the doctor. Calvin’s imagination strikes again, aiming to make everything as entertaining as possible
ElJorro 8 months ago
I would wish for the same thing. Also, I love the way this robot is designed. It’s simplistic design showcases a lot of personality.
n00b 3 months ago
people really should start doing the surgeries with buzz saws