Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 24, 1995
Calvin: This new issue of chewing magazine tells how to set up a mandibular fitness regime! Basically, they recommend interval training: chewing one piece of gum with lots of reps, followed by chewing five pieces of gum at once, so you really work the masseter and buccinator muscles. It's a grueling workout, but you build strength and endurance, so you can come through in a clincher. Hobbes: I'm sure the glory makes it all worthwhile. Calvin: Plus, you develop that "chewer's jaw" that drives the girls wild.
eddaht almost 14 years ago
eddaht almost 14 years ago
renrutnagrom over 11 years ago
So, how come Calvin is suddenly interested in something that “drives the girls wild”?
yow4zip Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Chew on that!
alie.morgan over 4 years ago
where can you get a chewing magazine!?
Shadar2001 about 3 years ago
My thoughts exactly renrutnagrom. It doesn’t seem befitting of the Dictator-for-life of G.R.O.S.S.