I consider myself a cat person, but have had dogs all my life. I got my first cat as an adult and have had both every since. The two I have now are rescue dogs. One Basset Hound, and one Terrior, and my Siamese owner to whom both myself and both dogs bow down to…lol…I think George the 2nd (the basset) knew who ruled the roost when he first clambored up the steps into the house and clued his kennel mate (they were inseperable having been raised together, so I adopted them both) Terror into the fact that we were all owned by her majesty Tink (Katrinka Siam DeLovely)…they have all gotten along beautifully, but maybe its because she was raised with a Doberman who thought he was a Siamese and she took on the Dobermans duties of patrolling, etc. .. lol…
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
I consider myself a cat person, but have had dogs all my life. I got my first cat as an adult and have had both every since. The two I have now are rescue dogs. One Basset Hound, and one Terrior, and my Siamese owner to whom both myself and both dogs bow down to…lol…I think George the 2nd (the basset) knew who ruled the roost when he first clambored up the steps into the house and clued his kennel mate (they were inseperable having been raised together, so I adopted them both) Terror into the fact that we were all owned by her majesty Tink (Katrinka Siam DeLovely)…they have all gotten along beautifully, but maybe its because she was raised with a Doberman who thought he was a Siamese and she took on the Dobermans duties of patrolling, etc. .. lol…
Molly mcgee over 12 years ago
Love this strip!! :-))
mountaingreenery. over 12 years ago
I love both cats and dogs.
blanche64 over 12 years ago
5 cats 2 dogs (pug and mutt)-all rescues. i love both-but if someone made me choose-CATS!!!
loves raising duncan over 12 years ago
When is the wedding? I love ALL animals, and you can’t make me choose!