: D There’s a thin line between emulation and mocking!
Imitation is the best form of flattery!
Just a little skinnier.its my dog and my guy for sure…..(oops mine are skinnier).love this quote“Dogs are miracles with paws.” -Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy
Yes he is and doing a great job of it.
T_Lexi over 12 years ago
: D There’s a thin line between emulation and mocking!
loves raising duncan over 12 years ago
Imitation is the best form of flattery!
doggygirl over 12 years ago
Just a little skinnier.its my dog and my guy for sure…..(oops mine are skinnier).love this quote“Dogs are miracles with paws.” -Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy
lily245pj over 12 years ago
Yes he is and doing a great job of it.