: )
Now that beats Pamplona any day!
That;s so sweet!
Pretty accurate too. I have a pommy and she sometimes looks like shes hopping when she runs through the yard.
Save me a chocolate one!
awwww love duncan
Duncan your dreams are beautiful. My dogs always ran after the bunnies not with them.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 12 years ago
: )
T_Lexi about 12 years ago
Now that beats Pamplona any day!
loves raising duncan about 12 years ago
That;s so sweet!
LadyLavendar about 12 years ago
Pretty accurate too. I have a pommy and she sometimes looks like shes hopping when she runs through the yard.
xpurplezebra about 12 years ago
Save me a chocolate one!
barbara chaffin Premium Member about 12 years ago
awwww love duncan
Jkiss about 12 years ago
Duncan your dreams are beautiful. My dogs always ran after the bunnies not with them.