Mike Luckovich for November 22, 2009

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Hey! Just hand him over to New Yorkers. We know what to do with him. Him and his azzhat lawyer.

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  2. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    Say we crawl down in the slime with the crackpot, right Bruce ?

    PS ANandy the dandy, what’s the excuse for your low pay grade ?

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  3. Marvmartx
    Dmajor  over 14 years ago

    As long as the trial doesn’t delay the hanging for too long, right? Those bleeep juries and all that evidence stuff. Let’s just put him in the middle of a football stadium and let folks pay $20 a head to get in and kick him to death. Or better, hold a lottery for the kicking-to-death tickets – we could probably reduce taxes, too!

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  4. Flying owl rec
    tecolote  over 14 years ago

    Why is that this bastards WANT to be tried in New York? Will they be convicted? Their lawyers will for sure bring up all the torture stuff which by the way is true. Will the insurgents forgive us if they are not convicted and go free? They should be killed in secret and blame suicide, is that ithe true solution?. Not at all. This nightmare has no solution one way or the other. It is the price for meddling in other countries affairs “for their own good”. Who appointed us as saviors?

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  5. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 14 years ago

    Why would KSM blame anyone? I thought he already took credit for his role? Doesn’t he WANT to be known as the mastermind against the Great Satan? There really is no defense when the defendant takes credit…thus, no need for a “trial”.

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  6. Chongyang 重阳
    mhenriday  over 14 years ago

    And I who thought that the presumption of innocence, which requires that the prosecution prove the accused guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, was the cornerstone of Anglo-American jurisprudence, going back, indeed, to Graeco-Roman times ! Everyone commenting here seems to assume that guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, despite the fact that the trial has not even begun. But then again, the principle accused has confessed, even if the process of «gathering evidence» might be considered to have been somewhat marred by water-boarding the man some 183 times. Just a little fun for the boys down at the station, I suppose, to keep them on their toes….


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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Okay, so how come they even try to make a guy who’s even uglier than bin Laden, look like him? A big part of our (American) problem is stereotyping everyone, and everything. It oft makes seeing the real evil beyond the grasp of a disturbingly disturbed “public”. The dude has confessed, and the trial is to meet our Constitutional standard for open trial. Secret killings are NOT the way we’re supposed to work, well, I know Cheney prefers it, but ,well.

    We convict on evidence, which is available, let’s do something right for a change?

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  8. Brockmonarch100
    ronebofh  over 14 years ago

    Why did Luckovich depict KSM looking like a Sikh? We already know he looks like Ron Jeremy.

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  9. New wtfpaint
    kat827618  over 14 years ago

    Good cartoon ! They blame acorn for everything, so why not 9/11 too?

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  10. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    Here is the thing. He confessed. He is not going to get off. That is totally clear. He is going to get the full wrath of the NY justice system and will clearly be put in jail for the rest of his life. In my opinion they should sentence him to death, but I believe that NY no longer has that on the books (correct me if I am wrong). If anything, he could argue that he SHOULDN”T be tried in NY because there is no way he could get a fair trail since the passions and emotions of the people would sway the jury. Further more, the issue of torture is not going to be put into the trial. They can argue that while he may have been tortured, he confessed prior to the torture and thus makes it irrelevant. But all in all, he is not going to get off and more than likely he is going to get the full force of NY on his head and will be locked up for life.

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  11. 43341
    foxglove16  over 14 years ago

    This is the 2nd cartoonist drawing KSM to look like bin Laden.

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  12. Missing large
    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    stupid is as stupid does….Obambi lives up to his middle name

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  13. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “The Fear is Not so much about what he did, It’s if WE have the Stomach for what WE did.”

    A classic blame America first intellectual.

    The real reason behind the planned show trials.

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  14. Missing large
    noblepa  over 14 years ago

    a.c.d, it doesn’t matter if the state of NY has the death penalty or not. He is going to be tried in a Federal District court in NYC. Federal law DOES include the death penalty. He is probably charged under the same or similar laws that were used against Timothy McVeigh.

    The gov’t really only had three choices; try him in a military court in Gitmo, hand him over to the State of NY to be tried for murder, or try him in Federal court. They’ve ruled out the first. In the second choice, he would be tried in NYC, because that is where the crimes occured. The US Contstitution requires that anyone charged with a Federal crime be tried in the district in which the crime is alledged to have occured. Again, that is NY.

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  15. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    petergrt, I love how many of the republicans use the term intellectual as if it is some sort of insult. I guess it is if you are trying to describe those that are not like you, so yes in your case you would not be an intellectual. HA but I digress. Thanks noblepa for that legal clarification. And Bruce, I dont think it is fair either that the US tax payer has to pay for his stay in prison, but THAT IS the punishment that most nations have choosen and as a western nation that upholds the duties of justice, law and order, then it is the responsibility to subject them to the same punishment as is befitting all peoples. Personally I think that these people (lifers in prison) should be put to good use and burnt in a furnace, at least their bodies will go to heating my bleeep when its cold, but I imagine a few ethical issues (and not to mention health issues) in using bodies as fuel in the winter.

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